Antique Woods and Colonial Restorations

Scugog Barn.

Scugog Barn.

Scugog Barn

A great smaller barn frame for a cabin, modest home or addition to a  house, studio or workshop, or  perhaps a "Walden Cabin back in the  Woods". Extremely beefy timbers for a barn this size (full 11"x 11" hand hewn posts), and add that to the double tie beams in each bent and you  have a really spectacular and probably unbeatable smaller timber frame  cabin or home. Several of the tie beams have been taken out over the  years but we would replace them with like material.  (See preliminary  sketches of frame.) We could also add a swing beam if you really wanted  to add some more character to an already stunning frame. Smaller frames  don't come like this often.

We would suggest that you add 12" plinth blocks to the frame so that you  would have 13' side walls.  You could then put in 2nd story loft with a  5’ exterior wall upstairs and still have an 8' lower level for plenty  of head room to move. The added 12" in height would allow you to walk  under the lower tie beams so you would have plenty of head room to have  complete movement around the cabin or home,  even if you did a complete 2nd floor loft.. The double tie beams would be plenty beefy to handle the load of the loft floor joist.

We could also cut this barn frame down in size to a 24'x34' or 24'x 34'6"  if a smaller 2-bay size would work better.  Many options for this great  little vintage timber frame.

If you want a really good one for a small cabin, home  or addition I would encourage you to take a good look at this one

Feel free to call me for more details, pricing and information on how we structure our barn frame sales.


Norwich Barn.
Norwich Barn.
Norwich Barn.
Norwich Barn.
Norwich Barn.
Scugog 7
Scugog 8
Scugog 9